Gathering Aliveness – mit E.S. Gallegos PhD
Sa., 08. Jan.
5 Termine, mit Eligio Stephen Gallegos PhD, dem Begründer der Tiefenimagination PTPP

Zeit & Ort
08. Jan. 2022, 14:00 – 05. März 2022, 17:00
Über die Veranstaltung
auf Englisch
Info & Anmeldung HIER
What: A series of 5 workshops
When: 2 to 5 PM (Central European time). Beginning January 8, and running every other Saturday until March 5, 2022.
Where: Zoom. You will be sent a link once you register.
Fee: $1000
January 8, 2022
January 22,2022
February 5, 2022
February 19, 2022
March 5, 2022
You must register for all five Saturdays.
Maximum number of attendees is 12 people.
We don’t know where aliveness came from nor why. But we do know that without it we would not even exist. We would not know anything nor would we grow and develop and mature. We may speculate about it and develop stories and philosophies and religions, but those are just Thinking’s attempt to reach out into the Unknown. Without aliveness there would not even be a reaching out. It is our beginning point and it is also an unbelievable gift. We carry it as best we can during our various stages of growth and development but it remains a mystery, and perhaps it always will. What we do know is that sometimes we have more aliveness and sometimes less. And we recognize different parts of it at different times and under various conditions. Sometimes it seems to be under the control of thinking and sometimes under the control of feeling and emotion.
If we visit our Deep Imagination we can learn about it and discover pathways to it and through it. And we can discover and uncover ways in which some of it may have been hidden or buried. In this series of five workshops we will explore different ways that aliveness has been disconnected, and that sometimes, very simply, it can be invited back into a greater wholeness.
These are some of the potential topics we may explore:
1. How is aliveness related to our words and language? Can it be enhanced or diminished by the words we use? Are those our words or have we been trained to use them by our parents, schools, and culture?
2. Have there been specific events in our lives that have modified our aliveness? Have the modifications been beneficial or detrimental? How can these modifications be brought back into balance?
3. Have we learned particular maps about who we are that have limited our aliveness? Do we carry maps of particular people, e.g. our parents? And do we react to the map or can we really see the person?
4. Have you learned certain tactics that limit your aliveness and that shunt it from one place to another in you rather than respecting its direct expression? For example, when you are annoyed do you act particularly nice instead of just saying ‘I’m annoyed”?
5. Were there events in your life that closed the door to recognizing some elements of your aliveness?
6. How is ‘knowing’ related to your aliveness?
7. Do you respect your aliveness or have you learned to disrespect it?
8. Do you trust your aliveness?
9. Did some part of your aliveness have to hide in order to survive? Is this part ready to present itself to the rest of your aliveness now? How is it treated? Is to ready to become a part of the rest of your alivenesses now?
10. What is the current path that leads you most directly to your aliveness?
11. Can you recognize the uniqueness of your own aliveness? Can you express your appreciation to it?
12. Where are the seeds of your aliveness that have not yet sprouted? What do they need from you in order to sprout and be nurtured in their growing?
13. How do you relate to the aliveness of other people? Of other animals?
The goal of the workshops is not necessarily to make us powerful but to bring us into harmony. Aliveness in its full and harmonious state blossoms into its own natural creativity. And that is the true gift that we can bring to the evolution of our presence here.