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I am Beauty within - mit Mary Diggin PhD

Mi., 05. Jan.


5 Termine / Zoom

Workshopreihe mit Mary Diggin PhD (New Mexico)

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I am Beauty within - mit Mary Diggin PhD
I am Beauty within - mit Mary Diggin PhD

Zeit & Ort

05. Jan. 2022, 19:30 – 02. Feb. 2022, 21:30

5 Termine / Zoom

Über die Veranstaltung

(auf Englisch)

Info & Anmeldung HIER

January 5, 12, 19, 26 & February 2

Beauty emerges, unasked for, from my own self into the world

We live in a world where beauty is emphasized as a commodity, and where often, people are judged as not beautiful enough. Look at the business of cosmetics, diets and plastic surgery. For many, beauty is a surface phenomenon, located in a person’s or object’s physical appearance. Taking inspiration from indigenous traditions, particularly the Jicarilla and Celtic worlds, this workshop explores inner beauty, in a mythic and imaginal 5 week journey.

True Beauty extends beyond what can be perceived directly by the senses. It can encompass basic ideas about health, and goodness, about our life path. This harmony is expressed in our relationships with other people, with the natural world, and with the world of spirit and forces. Physical beauty – visible in a healthy person or a creation or art – is an indicator of something more. It is an outward sign of a deeper and more all-encompassing beauty. That beauty is a product of striving for harmony in how one lives and a sign of a deeper, inner harmony.

In this intensive, we will take our structure from the Four Directions but will enter each direction in a way that allows each of us discover what is meaningful for us individually. Using the 4 directions as our doorways, we will enter an imaginal and transformative process based in Myth and Deep Imagery to deepen our growing, meet with the animal guides of the 4 directions and appreciate your own inner beauty.

We will meet weekly online via Zoom and also have some self-guided exercises sent by email between the sessions.

Week 1: Meeting the Energies of the East: New beginnings, childhood, letting go, spring, earth.

Week 2: Meeting the Energies of the South: passion, sexuality, the trickster, summer, fire.

Week 3: Meeting the Energies of the West: Dreams and visions; maturing, gathering, autumn, water.

Week 4: Meeting the Energies of the North: Traditions and healing, eldership and maturity, winter, air,

Week Five: I am Beauty Within

Cost: $150

Bonus: Deep Discount available on Single individually guided Journey. A code will be sent when you register.


Until December 30, 2021: $130

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